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Sally the Narcissistic Piglet

Once upon a time, on a farm in Nevada, Isabella the pig gave birth to 5 healthy piglets and Sally.

“Saaaallllllllly!!! That’s my popsicle!” Arnold cried.

“Well I need it more,” Sally replied.

“Sally, give Arnold the popsicle and go to the corner; you’re in timeout for 5 minutes.” commanded her mother.

“What!? No way! I’m way too good for that corner.”

“Enough, Sally, go to the corner.”

Sally slowly trotted over to the corner of the barn and laid down. Sally was a hot pink piglet, which was strange because all her siblings were a dark maroon color. Sally was definitely the odd one out, but she never asked for anything, she only took what she wanted, and she spent most of the day looking at her reflection in the pond. When it was feeding time, she took almost all the food from her siblings, although food supplies were running low.

Suddenly, Trevor and Nancy, two maroon piglets, came rushing in. “Mama, mama! We found-” “we found out who was tak-” “who was taking all the food.” They exclaimed, cutting each other off repeatedly.

“Well who is it?” Isabella inquired.

“It was the cows!” They both cried.

At this, Sally stood up and slowly started sneaking over to her mother and two siblings.

“We were walking through the farm and we saw the cows and-” “Yeah we saw the cows and they were eating-” “but they were eating pears-” “they were eating apples!” “Pears!” “Apples!” Trevor and Nancy squealed, each time getting louder and louder.

“ENOUGH!!” Sally shouted, “Where are they eating my food?”

“They’re over by the chickens.” “Yeah the chickens.”

Sally started to leave the barn, heading out to confront the cows. “Sally, we’ll all go together.” Her mother said.

“No, I don’t need your help to get my food back.” Sally protested.

“It’s our food, and we’re all going together.” Isabella said in an austere tone.

“Fine, but don’t get in my way,”

All the pigs trotted over to the chicken coop, hiding behind a couple trees. “Okay, um, so we should go at this in a grid, yeah grids are threatening, make sure you don’t stray out of line, because um, that would be bad, and not threatening. Sally! You’re um, not in line with everyone else.” Nester said, in a very nasally voice.

“You guys don’t deserve to be with me. I’m going to get my food.” Sally walked into the open, trying her best to look threatening. “Give me my food back, you stupid cows!” she cried.

“Who are you?” asked a particularly large bull.

“I am Sally, of course, and you are eating my food. I command you to stop now.”

“You can’t tell us what to do,” said the large bull. “Now get out of here before you get hurt.”

The cows started walking towards Sally in a very threatening manner. All of a sudden, Melvin the Great Wise Pig burst out of a nearby chicken coop. “You will not hurt this piglet!” he bellowed. The cows donned faces of surprise and horror as the giant grey pig bounced around. The cows quickly scattered, grabbing as much food as they could. “You are now safe, little piglet.” Melvin stated as he turned around.

“What are you doing? I didn’t need your help, I had them running scared.” Sally exclaimed.

“Ah yes little piglet, I’m sure you did, but remember, even if you don’t need someone’s help, they can still help you, as I did. You need to learn to accept others’ help, because many an animal will want to help you.”


The pigs took all the food left behind, and started trotting back to their barn. Nester mumbled to himself about how Melvin’s hat was slightly offset, Nancy and Trevor bounced around, pretending to be Melvin, and Arnold stuck close to his mother, looking down at the ground the entire time. Sally was walking ahead of all the others, not carrying any food, and her mother was trying to ignore Melvin as he flirted with her.

They all arrived back at their barn, but Sally was still mad about not beating the cows. She paced and paced, thinking about what everyone did wrong. “I’m going to get those cows.” She said to herself, and snuck out of the barn.

It was dark out, and Sally could barely see, but she knew her way around the farm well enough. She trotted sneakily through the farm, making her way to the cows’ pasture. She made it there with relative ease, only tripping two or eight times. All the cows were lying down, seemingly sound asleep. She creeped up on the big bull, baring her teeth.

However, Sally’s bright pink color was very noticeable. The bull stirred, and turned his head. Right before he saw her a coyote came and snatched her up. Sally was never seen again.

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