From a God to Nearly Gone: The Axolotl
A group of axolotls is swimming playfully in the calm waters of Lake Texcoco, Mexico. They go about their day naturally, but unbeknownst to them, a threat is leering from afar. A heron stands tall, silent, near the tranquil shores. One unsuspecting axolotl decides to swim a bit farther from the group, in a more desolate spot. The heron strikes, its long beak diving under the water’s surface, catching the tail of the small amphibian. The heron grabs a bit too hard in the wrong spot, and the tail rips off. The axolotl scurries away to the rest of the group, spooked, but not in peril. It knows the tail will grow back.
Many axolotls do not have to face such adversity; they are safe in captivity living in zoos or in rescues. There is also the option of being kept in homes as pets. It is legal to have one’s very own axolotl in 48 out of 50 states, and Massachusetts is one of such states. They are not particularly costly, either, with the final price, including a tank, being less than $100. As an added benefit, they can live a bit longer than a decade, making them a perfect pet to grow up with.
And who would not want one of these adorable creatures? They come in a variety of colors, from dark browns to light pinks and oranges. With their phalanges wiggling around on their heads, and their extended tails, it is almost as if they are constantly waving hello. They appear to be the perfect size for cuddling, growing to no larger than a foot at most, although petting them is not the easiest of tasks; while they are amphibians, they can only survive in the water. With their petite fingers and toes, and their elongated bodies, it is hard to imagine a more aesthetically pleasing creature.
Not only is the axolotl a wonderful addition to the home, but it is a marvel of science. Amphibians in general exhibit the most examples of full neoteny, but it is most notable in axolotls, which means that axolotls do not have an “adult” phase; they remain biologically teenagers. Unlike frogs, which do not show neoteny, the axolotl retains one of the most notable features that the frog loses: the tail. Not only does this tail remain throughout adulthood, it can be regrown, as was referenced in the narrative. Nearly any part of the body can be guillotined, including the arms, legs, and toes, only to be replaced within weeks.
These creatures are more than pretty faces and fascinating science experiments. The origin of their name came from an Aztec god, Xolotl. His appearance was considerably dog-like, and so the word axolotl comes from the Aztec “water dog.” While their appearance is heavenly, their namesake is infernal. Xolotl is the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl. according to legend. The origin of the axolotl came from the creation of the sun,When the fifth sun was put into place, all the gods agreed to sacrifice themselves to it, all except for Xolotl. To escape his fiery demise, he disguised himself as a stalk of corn, an agave plant, and an axolotl. Unfortunately for him, he is found, and killed. His masquerade as the creature in the tale is their namesake.
Axolotls today may not be strong enough to survive a god’s wrath, but they are not completely harmless. They are carnivores, and must be able to catch their prey in order to survive. The meals they capture are smaller creatures, such as worms, larvae, and some small fish.
Their small advantages in capturing a meal, unfortunately, may not be enough to save the species from impending doom. As was referenced in the narrative, axolotls are only native to Lake Texcoco in Mexico, and a few other lakes in the area. These lakes are in close proximity to Mexico City. Because of this, the lakes are being drained and contaminated, and many axolotls are being placed in captivity, removed from their natural home. They are in rescues, with each female having the capability of producing thousands of eggs. Despite what the large number of offspring may seem to mean, the axolotl is a critically endangered species, and their numbers are decreasing.
The brave, adventurous axolotl, now tailless, but alive, regrettably has more to worry about than birds of prey. As the group moves on from one traumatic experience, it will soon face another, completely out of its control. Without the interference of human conservation of the lakes and the species, there may not be hope for the axolotls to survive in muddied waters,which are drying up with each passing day. As the murky tide rushes in, the entire troop succumbs to the flow of human waste streaming in from all sides, as they are sucked into the cloudy wave.
Works Cited
Animals, A-Z. “Axolotl.” A-Z Animals - Animal Facts, Pictures and Resources, “Neoteny.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Mar. 2017, Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark. “Axolotl.” National Geographic, Oct. 2010, “Xolotl.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2017, john:- at, John P. Clare Ph.D. “Introduction.” Axolotls: The Fascinating Mexican Axolotl and the Tiger Salamander,