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Afraid to Dream

There is a stranger in a crystal ball.

It has sagging skin and wisps of hair.

Its eyes are rotted

By a broken dream.

It's staring at an hour glass.

Not a grain of sand left.

Its time has ceased,

And it melts into tears the sun dries up,

Forgotten and forever gone.

Now her own reflection shows in the crystal ball

A young girl with tight skin,

Rich in time

But still, the eyes were rotted

By fear, now

Afraid to dream,

She refuses to grow,

Knowing full well,

The harder she could fall

She lets a broken dream

Write life’s map

And gets lost along the way.

Now the stranger’s back in the crystal ball

Except it’s no longer a stranger,

But a mere reflection

She has reached the X on her corrupted map

And lets her memory soak up into the sun,

Along with the seed of a dream,

Drowned by fear and

Never given the chance to sprout

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