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What in Assimilation?

The very idea of being an American is quite overwhelming.

Posters and advertisements are plastered across the world,

spreading lies about the dreadful treatment of its citizens. Or

should I say, “alternative facts”? The American Dream is purely a myth,

like those stories of how Prometheus had created humans.

They proclaim, “America is the land of the free.”

But can one truly make a declaration such as this?

They proclaim, “This is America, speak ENGLISH.”

With this statement, your native tongue is destroyed and lost as a sock drifting

through the laundry basket.

They proclaim, “Cut off those braids. You don’t belong here.”

As a response, your culture is swept away as well as your chopped locks.

On the contrary, your attempt to fit in is often a failure.

Your new customs portray you as some kind of criminal, some kind of stranger

who is unfamiliar towards your family, and also.. yourself.

Your brand new tongue is littered with your lack of dignity and the sadness which you harbor.

Your “Hola” transforms into a secret code, only accessible to those who somehow still have it.

Your “Obo kia” is suddenly a forbidden phrase, burning and peppering your tongue as soon as it leaves your mouth.

The question you have to ask yourself is: Why did I allow this happen?

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