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Fallen Spires

Fallen spires holding temporal talismans

Languid vices of viscous lethargy

Solemn spirits in spacial void

Tenacious temples teeming with torrents

Empty vanguards valiantly felled to violence

Peaceful plains in prosaic planes

Dubious demons dangling danger

The wasteful waves of wander-lusted woes

Bright barriers bordered by blackish bars

Forgotten foes fighting for freedom

Kind kings killed by the kiss of greed

Quiet queens quelled by quaint quicksteps

Eloquent endeavors begotten in endlessness

Hellish hounds hated by the high horses

Collapse of catastrophe

A jovial jesters final joke

Ambitious admirers abdicated

Zealots in zealous zen forever bring zest

Grimy goons gallop to power

Irate inspirations indoctrinated into inadequacy

Men, now monsters, moan in agony

Surreptitious sounds sound in serendipity

Night now lurks in the hearts of the nailed

Owl-like 'orrors own our might

Real revelers reminisce in the lost

Usurped by the unjust umbras

The xanthic xiphoid spears of xenophobic warriors

Now with the fall of the spires now forgotten in the seeming wonders of our wills

We, too, fall.

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